Coaching is Powerful Magic

I am always a little concerned when I speak of coaching being powerful magic that I will sound a bit too “Woo Woo” to some. So, let me explain my thinking. First of all, I think “Woo Woo” refers to thing that we sense or feel but often cannot see so things of this...
What I want my daughters to know about their bodies

What I want my daughters to know about their bodies

I am just now realizing and learning things about my body that I wish someone had taught me when I was younger and that I want my daughter’s to know much earlier in their lives.Your body is an absolutely amazing thing. It can be your very best friend as it has so much...

Western Medicine

Thank God for Western Medicine when you need it. Sometimes we need to use it to diagnose or to remove or to repair. However, it is invasive, it is ugly, it is traumatizing. It hurts… it does not honor the spirit, or hold the body sacred. I am so thankful to have...

Our body is our friend…

I believe our body is our friend and if we are having symptoms then sometimes they can guide us to insights or actions we may need to take. If we are quick to cover up the symptoms then we miss the learning. For instance if we have a headache, there is a reason for it...

Above and Below the Line

There is a principle I teach in my workshops which I call Above and Below the Line It is a principle that speaks to boundaries, to avoiding resentment and to respecting ourselves and others equally. When we are above the line, we care for ourselves and we also enjoy...

Technological advances or deterioration of society?

I worry sometimes that our so called technological advances are actually setting us back, taking us away from the things that really matter and make us happy! I counsel with children and adolescents who tell me about their favorite video games. I feel so sorry for...